All-in-one export to Vietnam.
Developed a new Dagio pressure-tight coating cleaner.
Zero Zone Ethanol Tissue Quasi-Drug Permission from Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
2020 Proud Koreans who made Korea shine Grand Prize in the health sector _ Hosted by the Korea Newspaper Association.
Developed and produced 40, 120 sheets of zero-zone ethanol tissue
Developed and produced 500 zero-zone ethanol tissues (Applied for quasi-drug approval by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety)
Zero Zone Public Procurement Service registration, ethanol sales license completed
Zero zone ethanol tissue (sterilization, cleaning KCL (common safety standard for children, sterilization, cleaning) PT 5 bacteria test)

Completed development and distribution of Dagio automatic washing cloth (exported to Indonesia and Vietnam)

Completion of production of washing cloth processing production facility Osan 2nd factory, world’s first all-in-one manual washing cloth patent application
Started washing cloth commercialization (Development of Dagio automatic cleaning cloth, world's first all-in-one manual cleaning cloth)
Chemplus Co., Ltd. Han River Management Basin Administration Chemical Substance Management (Hwagwan Act) Manufacturing Facility Certification

Started commercialization of eco-friendly cleaning agent ‘Dagio ECO PLUS (automatic, manual)’ as a result of the contents industry technical support project of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Korea Creative Content Agency

Development and distribution of plate cleaner, plate-making cleaner, and UV cleaner
Patent application for ‘Dagio ECO PLUS’, an eco-friendly printer cleaner (Application No. 10-2015-0000814, registration in progress)

Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Korea Creative Content Agency's content industry technical support project - Selected as an eco-friendly cleaning agent technology research project under the supervision of the Korea Printing Culture Association and conducted research and development (2nd year)

Completion of 8 underground hazardous materials tanks, indoor storage, and general handling center in Sinchon-dong, Paju, and relocation of the head office
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Korea Creative Content Agency's content industry technical support project - Selected as an eco-friendly cleaning agent technology research project under the supervision of the Korea Printing Culture Association and conducted research and development (1st year)
Conversion to Chemplus Co., Ltd.
Exclusive contract with a 60,000 liter oil storage tank company
Exclusive contract with a company of 4 storage tanks of 60,000 liters for oil storage

Development and distribution of manual and automatic cleaning agents